Great night last night!
179 of your Third through Fifth graders wrestled 2 matches a piece in just under 2 hours. They got a red or blue ribbon each match for their win or runner up, and winning teams took home trophies. Approximately 230 boys and girls got to wrestle! Boys and girls wrestled separate matches. 52 girls, and 127 boys – good growth!
Overall Results
- 3rd grade top three 1) Northaven, 2) Riverside, 3) Thomas Jefferson
- 4th grade top three 1) Bridgepoint, 2) Riverside, 3) Utica
- 5th grade top three 1) Thomas Jefferson, 2) TJ, and Maple 3) Utica and Wilson
- Overall Champions: 1) Bridgepoint (8th straight), 2) Northaven, 3) Riverside 4) Parkwood/Utica
- Lots of pictures of your practices and the events are in photo albums on facebook -Team Jeff Wrestling
North Regionals
Northaven, Wilson, Thomas Jefferson, Parkwood
- Northaven swept the regional winning 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade and overall North Regional Champs
South Regionals
Spring Hill, Maple, Bridgepoint, Riverside, Utica
- 3rd grade champs Bridgepiont
- 4th Grade champs Utica
- 5th grade champs Riverside
- Overall South Regional Champs – Bridgepoint
We also held a tourney for prek-2nd graders who have been practicing at JHS.
50 of your little ones each earned a medal for participating.